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Missouri Association of School Nurses


MASN has unified with NASN

There are 2 ways to join (or renew) MASN:


Why should I join the Missouri Association of School Nurses?

The key to success with any group is unity and organization among its members. Each one of us as a school nurse represent different needs and interests which are important and vital to our organization. However, if we all act independently, without organization, we can only represent confusion and disorganization. Only together can we represent strength and unity.

MASN is organized to work for issues that affect Missouri’s children. We are asking for your support through membership and active participation. The MASN dues are $35 for RN and $20 for LPN. You can also join your local district, those dues vary from $0 to $15, depending on the district.

As of June 2023, MASN is a Unified Affiliate of the National Association of School Nurses. To be a member of MASN, you must also become a member of NASN. NASN will handle the MASN and NASN memberships. To join your local MASN District, you will need to join with the district directly.


School nursing is a specialized nursing practice.  We need each other for support.  Socialize with other school nurses on the monthly networking virtual event and in-person at our Annual Conference.

Legislative Updates

Our Legislative Committee keeps members up-to-date on the Missouri House and Senate bills that affect school nurses and our students.

Professional Development

Our Professional Development Committee provides educational
opportunities by planning our annual conferences.  The two day annual Spring Conference held in  April and travels to different areas of the state each year.

Mentoring Program

New school nurses are matched with an experienced school nurse who is available to assist the new nurse with questions he/she may have with their new role.

Members Only Resources

Our website has a members only page containing Newsletters, News Articles, Documents & Linked Resources, Member Directory, Member Forum and more!!