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Missouri Association of School Nurses


Missouri Legislation

February Update

There are several bills that the legislative committee is watching, the following is one that could be cause for a "Call to Action". This is when we ask our members to call or email their legislators and provide education (which we provide) as to why this bill would be harmful to the health and well-being of our students, their families and our communities. 

MO SB 232 (introduced by Jill Carter) -

  • Modifies provisions relating to immunizations
  • This SB is identical to HB 2009, which was filed in 2022 Rep. Pollack
  • Removes Missouri immunization requirements for children attending private, parochial, or parish schools.
  • It adds an exemption for conscientious beliefs. 
  • The religious or conscientious objection may be a written statement by the parent or guardian if signed by the parent or guardian or a completed form specifically described in the act.

2023 Bills to Watch

Happy New Year Missouri School Nurses! The Missouri legislative 2023 session is scheduled for January 4 - May 12, with a veto session in September. If you do not already know, now is the perfect time to look up your legislators at: and
I encourage you to take a moment to congratulate them if they are new to their office and welcome back the returning legislators.
Making connections with your legislators is one way that you can make a difference in the health and well-being of the children here in Missouri. Take a brief moment to introduce yourself and let them know that you support the health and well-being of Missouri children.
Below are just some of the bills that were pre-filed that stand out as bills of interest. Many more bills will still be filed as the year progresses. You can follow each of these bills as they go through the legislative process to be modified, passed, and/or denied. 

MO HB 445 -
Modifies provisions relating to childhood immunizations.

Establishes provisions governing automated external defibrillators in schools.

MO HB 116 -                                                       
Requires bleeding control kits in all public school and charter school classrooms.  

Changes provisions relating to instruction in human sexuality in schools.

Please look for future legislative messages to learn more about important legislation and how you can make a difference in the health and wellbeing of the children in Missouri.

Lynn Aswegan, Legislative Chair
Linda Neumann, Committee member

Legislative Committee


Linda Neumann, RN

Retired School Nurse


Sheryl Simmons RN, BSN, RRT-CRF

School Nurse Coordinator 

KIPP St. Louis Public Schools


Meagan Lozano, BSN, RN, NCSN

School Nurse

Webster Groves School District