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Missouri Association of School Nurses

Home2024 Conference Agenda

Detailed Agenda

Friday, April 12, 2024

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
MASN Board of Directors Meeting
**For Board Members Only**
MASN Board of Directors Members meet to conduct bi-annual business for MASN. 
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Register/check-in Friday night to beat the rush Saturday morning. 
Meet with exhibitors to have intimate discussions with vendors that support schools nursing. 

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Welcome Reception & Game Night
SLSSNA is hosting a game night for the welcome reception.  Marge Cole, our State School Nurse Consultant, will be the special guest host of the night.  Spend some down time with Marge and other school nurse colleagues networking and socializing over appetizers and board/card games. 

Saturday, April 13th, 2024

7:00 am - 8:00 am
Registration/check-in for conference. Attendees must sing-in daily to receive the contact hours for this event.  Buffet breakfast will be served.  Spend time with vendors that support school nurses. 
8:00 am - 8:15 am
Opening Remarks &
MASN President's Welcome
Opening remarks from Dr. Sam Page, MD, St. Louis County Executive. 
President's Welcome by Natalie Botkin.
8:15 am - 9:45 am
Opening Keynote:
You are the Chief Wellness Officer of Your School
Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN, FNASN, FAAN
"The Relentless School Nurse"
Robin Cogan, the Relentless School Nurse, will delve into the concept of the school nurse as the Chief Wellness Officer in our schools. This keynote address will offer a comprehensive exploration of the role and responsibilities of this vital position, highlighting its significance in fostering a culture of well-being and holistic development within the school community. 
Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on advocacy as a central tenet of school nursing leadership, drawing insights from the National Association of School Nurses' (NASN) Framework for 21st Century school nursing practice. Through an in-depth analysis of this framework, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the crucial role that advocacy plays in promoting the well-being and health of students, setting the stage for informed and proactive nursing leadership within educational settings.
Don't miss this chance to broaden your perspective on the evolving landscape of school health and wellness, and discover the essential tools for effective advocacy and leadership in the field of school nursing. 

9:45 am - 10:00 am
Exhibitor Break
Head to the exhibitor hall to meet with vendors that support school nursing and student health.
10:00 am  - 11:00 am
General Session:
The Path to Health Equity in Missouri
Dr. Kanika Cunningham, MD

For decades, it has been posited that minority students disproportionately encounter chronic health challenges that impede their academic success.  School nurses are often the first health professionals that students engage with when facing health issues.  Their unique understanding of school culture and their integral role within K-12 schools make them invaluable partners in the effort to address health disparities among student populations.  This session will provide an overview of the public health landscape in Missouri, focusing on prevalent health conditions affecting children and adolescents, particularly those from marginalized communities.  Moreover, this session will cover the impact of students' health conditions on both school attendance and academic performance.  Furthermore, the session will explore how school nurses and local public health departments can partner together to reduce health inequities. 
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Exhibitor Break
(set up room for lunch)

Head to the exhibitor hall to meet with vendors that support school nursing and student health while wait staff sets up the room for plated lunch. 
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
MASN Luncheon/Awards/Annual Business Meeting
Join us for a plated lunch included with conference fee to celebrate award winners and conduct our annual business meeting for our members. 

Concurrent Breakout Session
Pick a track or mix and match to your personal interest

Whole Student Wellness
This track is designed for school nurses to look at the big picture of student health outside the clinic walls. 

Develop Yourself
This track is designed for school nurses to develop their professional skills and take school nursing to the next level. 

Medical Conditions & Nursing Management
This track is designed to increase school nurses knowledge on chronic diseases that affect students and the management of these conditions in schools. 

Self-Care & Wellness
This track is designed to give school nurses strategies for self-care and wellness.  School nurses will also learn how to apply these strategies at school for student wellness. 
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Empowering School Nurses: A Comprehensive Approach to Oral Health and Trauma
Dr. Jackie Miller, DDS, MS, MPH

Join us for an informative and empowering session designed for school nurses seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in promoting optimal oral health among students.  This comprehensive approach covers key aspects of oral health care, including the integration of tele-dentistry, the application of fluoride varnish, conducting effective dental screenings, managing dental trauma, and establishing seamless referral processes.

Supporting Nurses Who Work with Complex Communicators
Bridget Salberg, MS, CCC-SLP
This session  covers how school nurses can be communication partners when communicating with children with complex communication needs. Learn about how to support students who might not have body awareness, might not have reliable communication skills yet, and how to successfully implement an educational team approach.
Managing Diabetes at School
Michelle Bockstruck,

Join us for an overview of diabetes management in school, including refreshing knowledge on disease signs and symptoms and pathophysiology. Supplies required by the school nurse for safe student attendance will be discussed. An overview of classroom and individual care plans will also be discussed so school nurses may better communicate with educators and assuage any fears associated with having a student diagnosed with diabetes in the classroom. New technology will be introduced and discussed so school nurses have an increased awareness of these devices. Information regarding the IMPACT Program and Healthy Kids Express Diabetes mobile unit will also be presented and resources made available. Don't miss this opportunity to share your stories and ask your questions to build your confidence when caring for students diagnosed with diabetes.
Healing through the Creative Arts
Robin Cogan,

Join Robin Cogan, the Relentless School Nurse, for a hands-on creative arts session where participants will explore a variety of art modalities, including writing, poetry and drawing to promote personal well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to tap into the healing potential of the arts to discover new avenues for self-expression and reflection. No artistic experience necessary! The fun is in the process, not the outcome.

2:15 pm - 2:30 pm




2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Whole Student Wellness Collaboration
Lisa Dierking, Chrissy Bashore
& Marjorie Cole,
Missouri school health data has shown a significant rise in mental health needs among students. Access to mental health resources and workforce development has been identified as a large barrier  for our students and staff. In response, the Missouri Departments of Health and Senior Services and the Department of elementary and Secondary Education are focusing on several programs to support schools and enhance collaboration among school nurses, social workers and counselors. This panel discussion among state agency leaders will provide an overview of current activities.

Achieving Professionalism in School Nursing
Katherine Park,
& Angie Midnight-Oest,

The modern-day school nurse not only addresses first aid and chronic health conditions, but also must meet the demands of a specialty that requires staying abreast of technology, education, leadership, and professionalism. NASN's Framework for the 21st Century of School Nursing Practice lists "Leadership" as one of the five key principles of exemplary practice. Within this principle, there are many subcomponents that all guide the school nurse toward professionalism. However, the principle of Leadership may seem unattainable for  many busy nurses, and it is often the least understood of all five principles. This session will help break down the myth that achieving professionalism and leadership qualities in school nursing is "for others" who have more time and fewer visits to manage. Learners will be guided through a simple, step-by-step process to help enhance the leadership potential and professionalism we all have inside!

Should They Stay or Should They Go?
Dr. Adam Eaton, MD
As we will learn in the opening keynote presentation, school nurses are the 'Chief Wellness Officers' of their schools and as such are the authority when it comes to determining if a student should be sent home, refer out of for medical follow up, or remain.  However, as the only medical professional in a building full of students, staff, volunteers, etc. it is very easy to begin to question one's decision.  Join Dr. Eaton for this breakout session where he will offer an overview of the most common illnesses, injuries, and ailments experienced by students, in his 22 year experience as a pediatrician and most recent, Chief of Children's Hospital Community Pediatrics Section.  This breakout will help to rebuild your confidence & comfort when it comes to assessing students and working through the decision process of sending home, referring out, or remaining at school.  This interactive session will leave you embracing your role as the 'Chief Wellness Officer' of your school and feeling confident in your decision process!

Calm and Com-Posed: Yoga 101
Laurie Chappell, MSN, RN, CHC
This conference is a celebration of school nurses and giving our students the best of us. As such, we are thrilled to offer this session with Laurie Chappell! How wonderful would it be if we could learn a skill which grants the power to change how we approach our demanding profession? What if we were able to incorporate a practice that promotes our physical and mental well-being? More importantly, what if we were able to share this practice with our students, showing them we value their physical and mental well-being just as much?  If this concept excites you and you are ready to bring a calm approach to your daily work, join us for Calm and Com-Posed: Yoga 101 with Laurie!  This session will increase your knowledge regarding Yoga's history & its impact across the world.  You will learn the benefits of yoga for yourself as well as for your students.  This breakout will also include a short session of yoga practice for mat and chair application.  Join us for this new approach to daily practice!  
*Dress comfortably and bring a yoga mat or large towel if you are able - not required for breakout attendance. 

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
School Safety From a School Nurse's Perspective: A Public Health Approach to Stemming Gun Violence
Robin Cogan,
Join Robin Cogan, the Relentless School Nurse, in an insightful discussion highlighting the crucial role of school nurses in fostering safe school environments, with a special focus on addressing the pressing issue of gun violence prevention. This break-out session will emphasize the significance of safe storage practices as a means of safeguarding our students, without engaging in divisive political debates. Through collaboration and evidence-based approaches, we will explore the unique perspective and expertise of school nurses, uncovering practical strategies to prevent gun violence and ensure the well-being of our young learners. Don't miss this opportunity to discover the invaluable contribution of school nurses in promoting a safe and secure educational atmosphere.
Negotiating Your Worth
Carmen Hill, RN,
Jane Sykes, RN
& Lisa Ali
It is easy to feel alone in the practice of school nursing.  The profession is often not only autonomous in nature, but is often misunderstood and can be somewhat disregarded. The COVID-19 Pandemic turned the profession of school nursing on its head. Almost overnight, school nurses became the medical authority and resource to whom staff, families and communities looked to for guidance and comfort. As a result, many school nurses found their voice and began to better understand their worth....their value.  Join us for this impactful breakout session where you will hear the inspiring story of how one district's school nurse association banded together and bargained for the highest negotiated salary increase the MNEA has ever experienced.  This session will communicate what it means to be in a union as school nurses, the benefits of unionizing and what it means to bargain.  If your team of school nurses has ever wanted to learn more about the process of unionizing, this session is for you! Hear Carmen Hill and Jane Sykes' amazing story, "We Have Come This Far by Faith" and learn more about school nurse unions from Lisa Ali, MNEA UniServ Director.  This session promises to leave you not only knowing your worth but also inspired to negotiate it!

Celiac Disease and Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction: What School Nurses Need to Know
Margaret Bultas,
& Elissa Brueggemann,

This presentation is based on the published article of the same title, published in NASN School Nurse, September 2023. Dr. Bultas will present information on the diagnosis of Celiac Disease and Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction. This will include information regarding the pathophysiology and presentation of these two diagnoses. Differences and similarities between the two disease states will also be presented, helping school nurses to both increase their knowledge base of these diagnoses and also recognize the often missed signs and symptoms of these conditions.  Elissa Brueggemann will present information regarding school management of these two conditions. Keys to school nurse management include wellness team communication, providing appropriate accommodations via health plans, and managing complications that may arise during the school day.

Be Still to be Chill: Basics of Meditation
Laurie Chappell, MSN,RN,CHC

What a difference 5 minutes can make! Just 5 minutes in the midst of the non-stop, hustle& bustle, demanding day in the life of a school nurse can impact not only the rest of the day, but also one's stress level, anxiety, mental and physical health. Join us for this breakout session where we will learn the practice of meditation and how it can improve the quality of our lives. This session will increase your knowledge regarding the history of meditation and its introduction to the US. You will leave with an improved understanding of what meditation is and how regular practice may benefit both you and your students. Such a simple tool, when learned, can have the most profound impact on your health and wellness and may offer an additional treatment modality for students, when appropriate. We invite you to embrace making the most out of a few moments during your day to begin a regular meditation practice & learn to be still to chill

7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
State Movie Night Slumber Party
**Optional for all attendees**
SLSSNA is hosting a movie night slumber party.  Ben Pringer, of the DHSS School Health team, will be the special guest host of the night.  Spend some down time with Ben and other school nurse colleagues networking and socializing in comfy pajamas watching a fun, classic movie.  Movie TBD. 

Sunday, April 14th, 2024

7:00 am - 8:00 am
Spend time networking with other school nurses over a breakfast buffet.
8:00 am - 8:15 am
Installation of New MASN Officers
Watch your new MASN executive committee be swore into office to uphold the operating guidelines and by laws of MASN.
8:15 am - 9:45 am
General Session:
Creating a Debriefing Process for School Nurses
Katherine Park, DNP, RN, NCSN
School nurses sometimes have rare medical emergencies that need decisive action. However, they frequently encounter a number of situations on a less emergent basis that often cause distress and moral dilemmas. A debriefing check-in tool and process creates an intentional dialogue to answer questions or review care based on an event. It also serves as an opportunity for the school nurse to de-stress. Learn how one school district put together a debriefing process specifically for school nurses, and join in as successes and lessons learned are discussed. It is hoped that this project will be an inspiration to other school nurses who will want to replicate this project in their own districts. By recognizing the value of debriefing for school nurses and facilitating their own self-care, they will be better equipped to care for the school community.
9:45 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Closing Keynote Address:
Looking to the Future: School Nurses at the Forefront

Kate King, DNP, MS, RN, LSN
The COVID-19 pandemic put a spotlight on the work and expertise of school nurses in community health in schools and highlighted disparities and inequities in health care for underserved populations. At the same time, the release of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) report, "The Future of Nursing 2020-2030", outlines the critical importance of school nurses in attaining health equity for not only students, but their families and communities. This presentation provides information on school nursing and the NASEM report as well as providing an interactive experience to facilitate participant exploration and strategies to begin this work and look to a future of health equity in schools.
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Wrap up, drawings, and door prizes
Don't leave just yet, as we wrap up the conference, acknowledge the hard work the conference committee dedicated to make this conference possible.  Drawings for the raffle baskets, 50/50, and door prizes will be held at this time, you must be present to win!