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Missouri Association of School Nurses


Cardiac Emergency Response Plan

MASN Believes in
Prioritizing a Culture of Preparedness
MASN is Committed to Supporting Missouri School Nurses

Missouri Memo

Missouri Senate Bill 166
Missouri Senate Bill 155   Missouri House Bill 232

Missouri Senate Bill 166 was voted "Do Pass" on February 25, 2025.
It is not yet a Missouri Law.

Below are the key points from the February 2025 draft of SB166.

For the 2026-27 school year and all subsequent school years, this act requires every public school to develop and implement a cardiac emergency response plan that addresses the appropriate use of school personnel to respond to incidents involving an individual experiencing sudden cardiac arrest or a similar life-threatening emergency while on a school campus.

A cardiac emergency response plan shall integrate evidence-based core elements, such as those recommended by the American Heart Association guidelines, Project ADAM (Automated Defibrillators in Adam's Memory), or another set of nationally recognized, evidence-based standards or core elements.

The act outlines certain guidelines that a cardiac emergency response plan shall integrate, including the establishment of a cardiac emergency response team and the placement of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) throughout the school campus. 

For schools with an athletic department or organized school athletic program, an AED shall be clearly marked and easily accessible in an unlocked location at each athletic venue and event. The AED shall be accessible during the school day and any school-sponsored athletic event or team practice.

Appropriate school personnel shall be certified in first aid, CPR, and AED use, as provided in the act. The school personnel required to be trained shall be determined by the cardiac emergency response plan and shall include, but shall not be limited to, athletic coaches, school nurses, and athletic trainers.

Source: The Missouri Senate Communications Department
YouTube Channel: @MOSENCOM

Cardiac Emergencies at School and School-Related Events.
It Happens. Plan For It!




"More than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of the hospital each year, with approximately 7,000-23,000 of these events occurring in children (≤18 years of age). It is estimated that nearly 39% of these events in youth are sports related." ~American Heart Association Policy Statement 2023

"...the best chance of saving a life is within the first 
of a sudden cardiac arrest." ~Project Adam

"With each minute delay in treatment the chance of survival decreases by 10%." ~American Heart Association Policy Statement 2023

"Only about 40% of people who experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest receive the immediate help that they need before professional help arrives." ~ American Heart Association

"According to the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) 2020 data, 6.5% of children younger than 1 year, 14.4% of children 1-12 years, and 21.2% of those 13-18 years of age who experience cardiac arrest survived to hospital discharge." ~American Heart Association Policy Statement 2023

Source: UW Medicine Center for Sports Cardiology
YouTube Channel
**Video contains graphic images of SCA

Cardiac Emergency Response Plans

What is a Cardiac Emergency Response Plan (CERP)?

A CERP is a written document that establishes the specific steps to reduce death from cardiac arrest in any setting – be it a school, community organization, workplace, or sports facility. (AHA)

The Steps of a CERP

1. Create a CERP Team

2. Document a cardiac emergency plan.

3. Properly place and install AEDs.

4. Practice cardiac emergency team drills.

5. Communicate 

6. Update the CERP every year. 

*Source: Evans S, Legg M. Cardiac Emergency Response Plan: Is Your School Prepared? NASN School Nurse. 2024;39(4):175-180.

Help Me Write a CERP!

MASN is committed to supporting Missouri school nurses in the development of CERPs. It can be a very daunting task to develop an emergency plan for your school. Your first step, once you have reviewed the Missouri bills (not currently a Missouri law) and understand the risk & importance of a CERP is always to confer with your administration and school district's legal resources. Once you are ready to begin drafting your building's CERP, know this - you are not alone! MASN is here to support you along with these amazing comprehensive resources. Take some time to explore these resources, as many offer templates, checklists, guides and personal support. 

The American Heart Association

Link HERE!

On the AHA's webpage you will find their CERP Implementation Guide. "This guide will help organizations create, share, practice, activate, and    evaluate a cardiac emergency response plan to reduce death from cardiac arrest in any setting." The AHA also offers assistance with implementing an effective AED program and training. 

Project Adam

Link HERE!

Meet Adam Lemel & learn how one family's devastating loss can empower YOU to save a life! Project Adam offers not only support in the development and maintenance of a CERP, but you can connect directly with a Missouri affiliate to assist your building in becoming a Heart Safe School. "Project ADAM Heart Safe School Designation is attained by schools upon successful implementation of a quality sudden cardiac arrest program of awareness, training and effective emergency response to promote a Heart Safe environment for students, visitors and staff as outlined within the Heart Safe School Checklist."

Connect with a Missouri Affiliate today: Link HERE!

Learn more on Project Adam YouTube Channel: Link HERE!

imagesAbout Adam Video

Parent Heart Watch

Link HERE!

"Parent Heart Watch is the national organization solely dedicated to protecting children and young adults from sudden cardiac arrest and preventable sudden cardiac death by educating and advocating for change." Through Parent Heart Watch's "Get Charged Up!" Program, schools access resources and support in the development of a cardiac emergency response plan as well as can earn a free AED at the completion of the program.
Get Charged Up! 
Link HERE!


Connect With Colleagues

Continue the conversation on the MASN All Members Forum, "Cardiac Emergencies in Schools"  Link HERE!

Have an amazing CERP you would like to share? Upload it HERE!

Want to see what your colleagues are developing?
Access shared CERPs HERE!!

Funding For AEDs

Resources listed above may also assist you in AED funding options.

Additional Possible AED Funding Resources:

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation: Link HERE!

The Smart Heart Sports Coalition: Link HERE! Link HERE!
GotAED: Link HERE!
The American Red Cross: Link HERE!
CPR Savers AED Grant Program: Link HERE!

Civic Groups such as the Lions Clubs, Moose Lodges, Elks Clubs, Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs, Masonic Temples and Optimist Clubs often offer grants and opportunities to obtain units and trainings. Please reach out to the local group in your area to inquire. Local Hospitals and Medical Centers may also offer resources on AEDs and funding opportunities. They may have programs in place to donate AEDs to qualifying organizations or offer information on grant opportunities. 

List Source: AED Resource list

Involve Your School, Students & Community
Create a Culture of Preparedness!

School Involvement Ideas:

  • Establish a Safety Team & invite participation across all teams
  • Create a diverse cardiac emergency response team so no one team is left understaffed
  • Remember to include 'Before/After School' programs in your planning
  • Offer AED and CPR trainings annually at convenient times 
  • Bring the AED to staff meetings so staff remains familiar with the device
  • Remember to run cardiac emergency drills regularly
  • Involve your building's athletic department and community education department in planning & keep them updated/informed. Include these departments in post-event debriefing. 
  • Be a source of information, comfort & confidence to your building

Student Involvement Ideas (if appropriate): 

  • Involve your CERT certified students
  • Offer CPR/AED and "Call 911" training to students
  • Inform students where the AEDs are, how to access them, and have them practice opening the door and hearing the alarm
  • Teach students what the signage looks like for the AED locations
  • Teach students how to recognize the signs of a cardiac emergency
  • Gather student feedback on the schools cardiac emergency plan to ensure the plan is practical
  • Create opportunities for student-led initiatives to raise awareness, like presentations or fundraising. 
  • Don't hide the fact that the school has a cardiac emergency plan from students, they are your eyes and ears of the building
  • Communicate to parents and guardians and encourage their support and involvement

Community Involvement Ideas: 

  • Communicate to your school community where and how to access the AEDs in your building and on school property
  • Communicate to your school community the Project Adam Heart Safe Community Program
  • Consider offering or learning about community educational programs like CERT
  • Connect with your local Fire and /or EMS regarding AED locations and involve these teams in your cardiac emergency drills
  • Involve your schools regular volunteers and keep them informed
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